

bizStore Designs

(more bizStore Designs)

Free Design

Awesome design with every webShaper Sign up.
Try for Free Now.

Mobile Friendly

Browse and shop with ease on your mobile.

Browser Compatible

All designs tested with modern browsers.

miniStore / sohoStore Designs

(more miniStore / sohoStore Designs)

IMPORTANT  webShaper Store Templates are optimized and designed to help merchants to speed up the Time-to-Market, thus all the webShaper templates are provided "AS IT IS" and comes Free with any signup of respective webShaper Stores. bizStore entitles you to ALL the template choices while miniStore / sohoStore entitles you to only miniStore / sohoStore template choices. Customization of the templates, design, font sizes, font type, button, layout structure is NOT included and is chargeable based on request.

Start Selling Now

Build your own branded, SEO Friendly, good looking store with webShaper.